We asked our neighbors with whom he is comfortable, to check in on him. They did so a number of times without any problems. After dark, when being looked in on, he had a panic attack and started running. After running around the villas a number of times he scooted through a small hole in the fence. From there he must have kept running until could not find his way back to his escape point through the bushes and fence that surround our complex.
This was the beginning what I politely call an incredible experience!
Learn to enjoy the present moment because you can go from happiness to agony in a split-second.
-From a LGA victory to a lost dog-
Elaine and I were both riding high from the victory of the local soccer game and a joyful experience with my adopted Costa Rican family, when we got the phone call that our dog was missing. We went from a celebratory high to the bottom of an empty pit.
Although desperate and panicked, we still felt we would find Rocco that night. He was spotted at two separate locations that evening, once near the front gate and once near a development called LaGuardia north of our home. From there he must have entered the sugarcane fields which surround the north, east and south sides of our house and walked through the night, as we received a call Monday morning, that he had been spotted a kilometer south of us on the other side of the sugarcane.
By midday Monday I was at the lowest point that I have been 30 years. I felt that half of my reason for living was gone and the other half, Elaine, was struggling along with me.
I tried to sleep as I believed Rocco would stay in the shade of the cane fields during the noon day sun. That was when I was touched by a little miracle. Elaine entered the bedroom and found a neighbors dog sleeping on the floor next to my bed. It was as if he said: "I will keep you company, you rest your head and wait for Rocco".
In Costa Rica there is an incredible willingness of people to help. Even people we have never met. During our personal tragedy there were hundreds of people that were all connected in spirit. This was done through prayer, Facebook, announcements on the local radio station, handing out flyers and the sharing, concern, love and support from everyone.
Monday evening Elaine wanted to hit the road and help in the search. She felt that by actively searching she would feel better! We called a taxi but when it arrived, our landlord's sister-in-law and her son volunteered to drive us around. - Understand. We have never met this lady before. - After driving in a 8 kilometer circle around the cane farms, asking everyone we met to call us if they see our poor lost dog, Elaine came home feeling hopeless and worse than when she left.
Still unable to eat or sleep, we cried that night and continued to reach out by email and social networking. Someone found a Rocco lookalike at a rescue organization in San Jose but alas it couldn't be him.
Tuesday morning I woke and said a prayer to a force that I cannot see or understand and asked "Please, if it be thy will, help me find my Rocco so that your power, your strength and your love will be seen and felt by others!" Although I opened my heart, I had given up hope that I would be the one to find him. Immediately after my prayer, I hopped on my motorcycle and started the days search on Calle Colinto on the south side of the sugar cane. Only 50 meters up the street, there was Rocco on the right side of the road, barely walking and hardly able to come to me when I stopped and called him. - But come he did! - He must have walked continually for two days and two nights! We sat in the gully and hugged and cried, then he laid next to me. We both knew all will be right in the world.
There is a God! Or at least a connection between all things in this universe. I know not what it is but I felt its power and strength!
None of us had eaten for three days. It is amazing how our emotions, spirit and physicality are interconnected. The human condition is a complete package.
Recovery for us will take a while. Rocco is limping. We are all physically exhausted and emotionally scarred.
Our sincere thanks to all that helped and prayed for our family. I believe that regardless of how each person visualizes their God, it is the same force that connects us all and allows us to have the strength and love to support each other. I don't want to ever forget any of the pain from those two days nor that goodness can manifest itself amidst the worst of life's experiences. The joy and happiness that was shared by everyone since we announced that Rocco had been found has provided us strength and power. Many have called, written and visited. May your good deeds be returned to you when you need them the most.
Pura Vida, Don Federico, Eliana y Rocco
Location:Villas Azalea, Grecia,Costa Rica
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